stm metro artworks brochure on the bench
The project embarked on the creation of a comprehensive booklet aiming to illuminate the diverse array of art installations gracing each Montreal STM Metro station.

Inspired by the act of capturing moments through the lens of a camera, the booklet's design concept ingeniously incorporates circular motifs reminiscent of camera lenses on its primary pages. Within these circles, meticulously curated images showcase intricate details of various art installations, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the richness of each piece.

This approach not only adds a dynamic visual element to the booklet but also mirrors the process of visually capturing and preserving memories—an apt analogy for appreciating and commemorating the city's artistic heritage.
stm metro brochure page divider
stm metro brochure page
stm metro brochure page divider
stm metro brochure page divider
stm metro brochure page divider
stm metro brochure page divider
The seamless transition of design elements from the cover to the page dividers establishes a unified visual identity throughout the booklet, fostering a smooth and coherent reading experience.

By maintaining consistency in design language, the booklet cultivates a sense of continuity, guiding readers effortlessly through its contents. Moreover, this cohesive design strategy enhances the overall aesthetic appeal of the booklet, elevating it from a mere informational resource to a captivating artistic showcase in its own right.
stm metro brochure page divider
stm metro brochure page
stm metro brochure page
stm metro brochure page
In a strategic move to complement the vibrant hues of the featured artworks, the cover adopts a minimalist approach, employing a monochromatic palette of black and white.

This deliberate choice not only ensures visual harmony but also allows the colorful imagery within the booklet to take center stage, unfettered by distracting design elements. Meanwhile, subtle accents of green, orange, yellow, and blue—representing the distinct characteristics of different metro stations—are strategically interspersed throughout the contents, serving as gentle reminders of each station's unique artistic identity.
stm metro brochure page
stm metro brochure page
With a keen focus on simplicity and cleanliness, the booklet's layout was meticulously crafted to prioritize the artworks themselves. By adopting a minimalist aesthetic, the design effectively directs viewers' attention towards the featured pieces, allowing them to fully immerse themselves in the beauty and significance of each artwork.

This deliberate emphasis on clarity and coherence underscores the booklet's primary objective: to serve as a platform for celebrating and showcasing Montreal's rich cultural heritage through its diverse array of metro station art installations.
stm metro artworks brochure with hand