crust crown logo
bakery image
Crust Crown is a bakery shop that produces and sells bread, pastries, cakes, cookies and other baked goods. This is the place to go when you want to eat bread made with fresh, organic ingredients. Crust Crown's main goal is to provide fresh, warm bread and products that are freshly baked every day.

The purpose of this project is to focus on branding by utilizing Crust Crown's brand identity through logo design to effectively convey the brand's value and message. The ideation process commenced with a clear focus on Crust Crown's core values – providing fresh, organic, and warm baked goods. The overarching goal throughout the brainstorming process was to create a logo that not only encapsulates the brand's values but also becomes a memorable symbol in the minds of consumers.
crust crown logo
crust crown logo with box
bakery image
crust crown logo with honey jar
croissant image
In the Crust Crown logo, the letter 'C', which appears repeatedly in the two words, is visibly enlarged and placed in a beige tone similar to bread dough. In addition, the beige tone conveyed the warm feeling of a bakery store that is loved and welcomed by people of all ages. A black crown icon was placed on the enlarged letters to visually express the brand in conjunction with the word 'crown' in the logo, and the royal family. It symbolizes a feeling of excellence and emphasizes the high quality of bakery products.
crust crown logo with jam jar
crust crown logo with sticker
crust crown logo with paper bag
The “crust” in the name can refer to the outer layer of bread or pastry, which is the most flavorful and texturally interesting part. This shows your customers that your company specializes in making delicious crusts for pastries.

The choice of the "Baskerville" font was a strategic move to convey a sense of modern elegance. This typeface exudes sophistication, aligning with the premium quality that Crust Crown seeks to portray. The intention here is to bridge the gap between contemporary aesthetics and timeless appeal, ensuring that the brand remains relevant and attractive to a diverse consumer base.
crust crown logo with glass panel
bakery image
crust crown logo with tote bag
crust crown logo with paper bag
In essence, the ideation for the Crust Crown logo was a purposeful journey, blending key elements to effectively convey the brand's commitment to freshness, excellence, and the art of crafting delectable crusts. The result is a thoughtfully designed logo that serves as a powerful tool for brand communication and recognition in the competitive world of bakery offerings.
crust crown logo with business card