hardlyart logo company 1
Based in Seattle, Washington, Hardly Art is a prominent independent record label often dubbed Sub Pop's "sister label." Launched in 2007 to spotlight emerging talent, it initially focused locally but has since expanded its roster beyond the Cascade region. The label embraces a diverse array of genres, including garage rock, post-punk, surf rock, power pop, and electronic, making it a versatile platform for artists from the United States and beyond.
music produce image
hardlyart logo company 1
hardlyart logo business card
The project's focal point was to delve deeper into the existing logo, undertaking a thorough exploration to enhance the brand's distinct characteristics and overall value. The objective was to create a new logo that authentically embodies the brand's essence, resonates with the audience, and contributes to its visual appeal and market positioning.
concert image
hardlyart logo conert ticket
hardlyart logo merch
hardlyart logo merch
hardlyart logo phone case
Since Hardly art is a record label, the biggest challenge was making their logo simple and readily adaptable so that it can be used on a variety of materials and applications, so it can fit a variety of printing technologies. Since Hardly art is a record label, the biggest challenge was making their logo simple and readily adaptable so that it can be used on a variety of materials and applications, so it can fit a variety of printing technologies.

The shapes and bright, vibrant colors were used to create a bold yet playful feel. The adaptation of a thick, sans-serif font not only added a robust quality to the logo but also ensured legibility across different mediums. The ingenious incorporation of shapes reflecting the letters 'H' and 'A,' cleverly fashioned to resemble play and stop buttons, bestowed a dual meaning that resonates with the music industry.
hardlyart logo animation gif
hardlyart logo merch
hardlyart logo sticker 1
hardlyart logo mug cup
hardlyart logo sticker 2
hardlyart logo sticker with laptop
This project underscored the importance of versatility in logo design for a record label, necessitating a balance between simplicity and nuanced symbolism. The iterative process taught me the art of distillation, distilling the brand's essence into a visually compelling yet adaptable emblem. The newfound understanding of the interplay between form and function in logo design serves as a testament to the dynamic nature of the creative process and its ability to enhance a brand's visual identity.
hardlyart logo bag
hardlyart logo bag
hardlyart logo merch
hardlyart logo guitar strap
hardlyart logo guitar