book design cover
book design cover
Kara Walker is a contemporary artist known for her innovative use of silhouettes. Born in Stockton, California in 1969, she challenges traditional artistic norms by using the medium to explore complex topics such as race, gender, and historical narrative. Her powerful and thought-provoking work encourages critical dialogue and has had a major impact on contemporary art.

Walker's unique artistic style emerged through her innovative use of silhouette art. She revitalizes this historical medium to present viewers with powerful, thought-provoking images that challenge traditional representations.
book design image
The purpose of this project is to design a book that captures the artist's characteristics and shows  her personality.

The reason she titled her book 'Unveiling Shadows' is because she uses shadows, which are just black, to look simple yet powerful, and contain many stories within them.
book design cover sleeve
She expressed her work by cutting out black paper on a white wall. Inspired by this, her book design consisted only of black and white. The book cover design is similar to her art exhibition, with a black paper silhouette of the work surrounded by a white sleeve surrounding a black hardcover. And the typeface chosen is "Cambon," a detailed sans-serif style that reflects the intricacy seen in her paper silhouette works.
book design page
book design page
book design page
When designing the layout of the book, I was worried about whether to design it with a more modern feel since she is a modern artist, or whether to design it with a classic feel, following her work. However, since what she wants to convey through her work is focused on history, it was felt that designing in her classic style of layout would better match the focus of this project. So, I designed the layout so that the ratio was right according to the golden ratio, divided the column into two, and arranged the text neatly.
book design page